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Standard Enigma OS Assembly, LH

  • By Sarah

These instructions are for the Standard Enigma, left handed assembly, with fixed retention holsters ONLY. If your holster has adjustable retention, you’ll need to follow the adjustable retention video found in the Enigma Instructions. If you are right handed, see the right handed assembly instructions.

There are video instructions here.

SAFETY WARNING: Make sure your holster is compatible. Do not modify, drill, sand, or cut your Enigma faceplate in ANY way. Do not drill or modify your holster. Thoroughly read the Enigma safety page and holster fit guide before continuing. Failure to fully read and follow ALL of these instructions can result in severe injury or death.

HOLSTER COMPATIBILITY: Please note that you must have a compatible holster shell for the Standard Enigma OS before beginning. Check your holster against the holster fit guide before you begin. If your shell does not fit, STOP and review the fit guide before continuing. DO NOT drill, cut, or otherwise modify your holster shell in ANY WAY.

DO NOT use a light bearing holster on the Standard Enigma. If your gun has an attached light or laser, DO NOT USE THE STANDARD ENIGMA faceplate. Guns with lights and lasers are not safe to use with the Standard Enigma - you need the Light Bearing Enigma instead.

If your holster doesn’t meet the fit requirements exactly, DO NOT try to “make it fit” or “make it work.” Close enough is NOT good enough. Using the wrong holster could lead to premature breakage or sudden failure. If your holster fails, it could result in severe injury or death. Do not mess around when your life is on the line.

Tools Needed:

  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • Pliers or vice grips
  • Wide rubber band, rubber glove, or other similar grippy object

Optional Tools:

V1 vs V2 Versions

These instructions can be used for both V2 and V1 Enigmas. The faceplates are identical in shape, and all parts are interchangeable. You can follow these instructions if you have either faceplate.

For V2 leg leash assembly, go here.

Comparison photo of the two Standard Enigma OS faceplates, V2 and V1. Both versions are the same shape.

Here are the pieces that come with your Enigma.

  1. Enigma faceplate
  2. Leg leash
  3. Belt
  4. Buckle capture
  5. Fidlock magnetic buckle
  6. Two long screw posts
  7. Two plastic spacers
  8. Two long screws with pre-applied thread locker (yellow goop on the threads)
  9. Two short screw posts
  10. Two rubber washers
  11. Two metal finish washers
  12. Two short tapered head screws with pre-applied thread locker (yellow goop on the threads)

1. Orientation

To begin, determine the correct orientation of your holster shell on the Enigma faceplate. The large faceplate holes go over the slide side of the gun, and the solid portion of the faceplate goes over your holster's wing.

TIP:  You may find it helpful to write yourself a note with masking tape on the FRONT of both your holster shell and Enigma faceplate.

2. Prepare Shell

Remove the wing and all the other hardware from your holster shell, including belt clips. Don’t throw anything away – just set it aside for now.

(Note: If you’re using a PHLster City Special holster shell, you’ll remove all hardware except the retention screw. Keep the plastic spacers that come with the holster.)

SAFETY WARNING: Use only the screws and screw posts that come with the Enigma. Do not use any of the screws or posts that came with your holster. Using the wrong screws can break your holster or Enigma. Follow these instructions exactly, and contact us if you have questions or concerns.

3. Prepare Buckle

Prepare your buckle capture (4) as shown. Insert the narrow end of the buckle capture (4) through the narrow end (female end) of the Fidlock magnetic buckle (5).

Photo of buckle capture and Fidlock magnetic buckle.

Thread the narrow side of the buckle capture through the female side of the Fidlock magnetic buckle (5).

Photo of buckle capture inserted into buckle.

Pull through, even up the ends, and press flat.

4. Prepare Screws

Prepare all of your screws. (8, 12).

The Enigma screws come with pre-applied thread-locking compound called Nylock. Nylock looks like yellow goop on the threads. It makes the screws harder to tighten (which is also why they’re less prone to loosening over time). It is reusable, and the screws can be tightened many times without losing grip.

To make the assembly process easier, prepare the short tapered head screws by running each of them into a screw post. This helps set the threads, so they are easier to tighten later.

Photo of preparing the thread locker on the Enigma screws.

Use a pair of pliers or vice grips to hold one of the long screw posts (6). Insert a screw.

Photo of Enigma screw tightened down all the way.

Tighten the screw into the screw post until it stops. This will set the Nylock, making it easier to attach your Enigma belt later. Remove the screw from the screw post and repeat with the other screws.

Note: You will feel some resistance when the Nylock engages. This is normal. Stop turning the screw when the screw head starts to touch the post.

Prepare both short tapered head screws and both long screws.

SAFETY WARNING:  Do not remove the Nylock – it’s necessary for your Enigma to function correctly and safetly. Do not attempt to clean it off, and do not apply other thread-locking compounds on top of it.

5. Attach Belt and Buckle

Attach both the belt (3) and buckle capture (4) to the FRONT of the faceplate. The buckle can be installed on either the left or right side of the faceplate, but most people prefer to have the buckle on their non-dominant side.

If you’re not sure which adjustment holes to use, start with the top, middle holes (see pic below). Visit the Standard Enigma Instructions page for more information on how to adjust your Enigma for best concealment.

Photo of Enigma faceplate.

Photo of optional Sport Belt upgrade for Enigma.

If you’re using the optional Sport Belt upgrade, install that instead of the regular belt (4). The belt attachment point is exactly the same.

Photo of optional Reduced Size Buckle upgrade.

If you’re using the optional Reduced Size Buckle, install that instead of the regular buckle capture (4) and Fidlock (5).

Photo of Enigma faceplate, buckle, and hardware.

This is the hardware stack order for attaching the Enigma belt and buckle capture. From front to back:

  • Short tapered head screw (12)
  • Metal finish washer (11)
  • Belt attachment (3) OR buckle capture (4), or optional upgrades. Note that the buckle can be installed on the right or left side of the faceplate, depending on which hand you prefer to use to operate it
  • Rubber washer (10)
  • Enigma faceplate (1)
  • Short screw post (9)

Photo of Enigma belt screw and finish washer.

Drop the short tapered head screws (12) through the finish washers (11) as shown. Make sure the cupped side of the finish washer is down.

Photo of Enigma belt screw inserted into buckle capture.

Push the screw and finish washer through the small hole on the belt attachment or buckle capture.

Photo of rubber washer behind buckle capture.

Next, add the rubber washer (10) behind the belt attachment or buckle capture.

Photo of attaching buckle capture to Enigma faceplate.

Go through the selected hole on the FRONT of the Enigma faceplate. The rubber washer will be sandwiched between the belt/buckle attachment and the Enigma faceplate.

Photo of adding screw post to Enigma faceplate.

Add the short screw post (9) to the back of the faceplate.

Photo of Enigma faceplate, belt, and buckle capture. Shows hardware stack order.

Repeat these steps to attach both the belt and buckle capture.

Note: Optional Belt End Routing

Photo of Enigma belt end showing second slot.

If your Enigma was made after February 2024, you will have a double slotted belt end. This allows for an OPTIONAL belt routing step. This optional routing is recommended for users who experience problems with their belt slipping through the triglide and loosening. (Most users will not need this optional routing, and can assemble the Enigma as it comes in the package.)

Watch this video for more information on the optional routing.

Photo of Enigma belt end.

To use the optional belt routing, insert the webbing DOWN through the outer slot.

Photo of routing belt webbing through Enigma belt end.

Then pass it UP through the inner slot.

Photo of routing belt through triglide.

Pass the webbing back through the triglide.

Photo of triglide installed on belt.

And pull tight.

Photo comparison of correct vs incorrect belt end orientation.

When using the optional belt routing, make sure your belt end is oriented on the faceplate correctly, with the webbing passing over the top as shown in the picture.

6. Tighten Belt Screws

Photo of rubber band used to tighten Enigma screws.

The short tapered head screws are hard to tighten. Use a rubber band, rubber glove, or duct tape to grab the backside of the screw post.

Photo of tightening Enigma screws.

Set the whole assembly (including the rubber band) down on a hard surface for extra leverage.

(Protect your surface in case you slip.)

Photo of tightening Enigma screws using power driver.

Recommended for people with low hand strength: Use a power driver + your body weight. Press down hard and power the screw in with short bursts.

Or use a set of screw pliers to grab the back of the screw.

Watch this video for three helpful techniques to get the screws tight.

Your belt attachments should be tight. They should be difficult to rotate on the Enigma faceplate.

NOTE: If your screws spin without tightening, try another method of gripping the screw posts. If you’re using a power driver, do not spin the screws excessively, or you will burn through your faceplate. If you’re having trouble, stop and use a different method. Go here for tips and tricks for tightening Enigma screws.

The short tapered head screws are hard to tighten, and that’s on purpose.

7. Attach Leg Leash

Attach your leg leash to the faceplate. It can go through either of the two slots. Place it on the side closest to the leg you plan to use.

Photo of routing leg leash through Enigma faceplate.

Pass the loop of the leg leash through the slot. Pass the body of the leg leash through the loop, forming a girth hitch. Make sure your leg leash buckle faces up as shown.

Photo of leg leash attached to Enigma faceplate.

Pull tight, making sure the drop portion of the leash isn’t twisted.

8. Prepare Modwing

Prepare your Modwing.

Photo of three Enigma compatible holster wing options.

If you’re using a Dark Wing or Raven (RCS) Wing, skip this step. If your holster did not come with one of those three wings, it may not be Enigma compatible. Stop now and check the fit guide here for more details.

  1. Modwing
  2. Modwing Nut
  3. Large insert
  4. Small insert
  5. Modwing screw
  6. Eyelets (optional, but recommended)

Your Modwing (13) will most likely come with two wing inserts (15, 16). Use the smaller insert (16) for your Enigma assembly.

NOTE: Your Modwing should come with eyelets (18). These fit into the large holes at the bottom of the modwing. They help reduce the diameter of the holes, making your hardware stack lock up tighter with the Enigma faceplate. Eyelets are recommended, but if your holster manufacturer did not include them with your Modwing, you can still assemble your Enigma without them.

Photo of Modwing pointing out insert.

Attach the smaller Modwing insert (16) with the screw (17) and nut (14) included.

Make sure the tall side of the insert is on your left, as shown here.

Photo of Modwing with optional eMod inserts installed.

If you’re using the PHLster eMod kit for a better interface with the Enigma faceplate, install the eMod insert instead of the regular Modwing insert. Replace the Enigma spacers (7) with the appropriate eMod spacers (short spacers with short eMod, tall spacers with tall eMod).

Photo of Modwing with required eyelets.

Drop the eyelets (18) through the holes in the Modwing.

9. Attach Holster

Attach your holster to the faceplate. The order of the hardware stack is as follows:

  • First: Two long screws (8)
  • Second: Enigma faceplate (1)
  • Third: Plastic spacers (7)
  • Fourth: Modwing with eyelets
  • Fifth: Holster shell
  • Sixth: Long screw posts (6)

Photo of City Special holster for revolvers, with special spacer order.

Note: City Special users only – you will add the tall spacers that came with your holster between the holster shell and the Modwing. (Between the fourth and fifth steps above.)

Photo of assembling Modwing on Enigma faceplate.

Put the long screws (8) through the faceplate. Hold them in place with your thumb. Flip the faceplate over and add the plastic spacers (7), then the Modwing. (Make sure your eyelets didn’t fall out of the Modwing.)

Photo of kydex holster to Enigma faceplate.

Add the holster shell, making sure the FRONT of the shell is toward the faceplate.

Photo of screw post holding kydex holster to Enigma faceplate.

Add the screw posts (6), and tighten lightly.

Photo of kydex holster installed crooked on Enigma faceplate.

Before fully tightening the faceplate screws, straighten out your assembly.

Photo of kydex holster installed straight on Enigma faceplate.

Make sure the holster is straight, and the top of the Modwing is level with the edge of the faceplate. Then tighten the screws fully.

Photo of using rubber band to tighten holster and Enigma.

If you have trouble tightening the holster screws, use your rubber band to apply pressure to the back of the screw posts. You can also hold the posts with a flat blade screwdriver.

10. Check Spacer Height

Check your spacer height.

The Enigma comes with standard size spacers (7) for general use. If you have a slim gun, the included spacers might be too tall. You want the Enigma faceplate to be flush with the front of the holster when viewed from the bottom. If the spacers are too tall, it will stand proud, which can make your concealment worse.

If your holster shell came with shorter hard plastic spacers, you may be able to try those. You can also use a stack of #10 flat washers to build the appropriate height.

Photo of large gap between kydex holster and Enigma faceplate.

Look at your assembly from the bottom. These spacers (7) are too tall, causing a gap between the faceplate and the front of the holster shell.

Photo of holster spacers.

The spacer on the left comes with the Enigma (7). If it’s too tall for your gun, try a shorter spacer, or use a stack of #10 flat washers to reach the appropriate height.

Photo of no gap between holster and Enigma faceplate.

These shorter spacers are just right, and the faceplate sits flush with the holster shell.

Note: It’s okay for the faceplate to flex slightly where it encounters the wing, as shown.

Photo showing smooth interface between eMod insert and Enigma faceplate.

If you get too much faceplate flex, try the eMod kit, which is angled to blend cleanly with the faceplate. When using the eMod kit, use the spacers that come with the eMod kit instead of the spacers in the Enigma kit.

11. Connect Belt

Photo showing Enigma belt routed through Fidlock magnetic buckle.

Take the free end of the belt (3) or optional sport belt upgrade, and pass it through the Fidlock buckle as shown. The loose tail of the belt should be on the outside when you wear it.

Last step!

Double check your setup carefully to make sure everything is correct. It’s easy to miss things, so take some time to make sure you completed each step correctly. Then head back to the instructions page to learn how to adjust and wear your Enigma.

When you have your Enigma adjusted to fit you, you can trim any excess belt or leg leash material, and sear it with a lighter to prevent fraying. NOTE: MAKE SURE NOT TO CUT YOUR BELT OR LEG LEASH TOO SHORT. We recommend wearing your Enigma for a while before cutting anything. Some adjustments may require a longer belt or leg leash. Make sure you’ve got it fully figured out before cutting, and even then, leave several inches of extra material.

If you mess up and cut your belt or leg leash too short, you can order replacements in the Accessories section of the PHLster website.


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