+ wishlist Need Help?Here's how to get help: Ask Phil! Instant answers, 24/7 He's trained on our entire PHLster library, so he can answer questions about product compatibility, holster models, or general concealment questions. (He's not hooked up to our customer databases,...$0.00 -
+ wishlist Wedges - Modular Holster Wedge KitFine tuning holster fit to the body is the most time consuming and individual aspect of concealed carry. Huge gains in comfort and concealment can be accomplished by adding a wedge to the holster, but getting that wedge just right is often a big project,...$38.00

Enigma Express
The chassis system consists of a strong, thin, flexible faceplate that holds the holster against your body. The textured faceplate helps to grip clothing and maintain consistent draw and concealment...