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  • Graphic of "Phil," the PHLster AI chatbot with a question mark in the foreground. Photo of the friendly PHLster support team.
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    Need Help?
    Here's how to get help: Ask Phil! Instant answers, 24/7 He's trained on our entire PHLster library, so he can answer questions about product compatibility, holster models, or general concealment questions. (He's not hooked up to our customer databases,...
  • Upgrade kit for the PHLster Enigma Express. Closeup of new faceplate texture on the Enigma Express, which helps keep clothing from sliding over it.
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    Enigma Upgrade Kit
    Enigma Express Upgrade Kits – Available Until April 3rd Upgrade and refresh your Enigma Express with the latest components before these kits are discontinued on April 3rd. Each kit includes newly released V2 parts to enhance comfort, durability,...
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