Enigma Safety Information - READ THIS
How do I find a compatible holster?
If we don't make an Enigma Express for your gun model, you'll need the Enigma OS Standard and a compatible holster shell. But how do you find the right holster, and how do you know it will work safely with the Enigma?
Our holster fit guide will help you find what holsters you should use with the PHLster Enigma OS Standard. It will also teach you the holster requirements so you can evaluate your holster and make sure it is safe. Remember, a holster must meet ALL the requirements in the fit guide, not just some!
WARNING: Do not attempt to make a holster work if it doesn’t meet the exact requirements in the Fit Guide. Do not use a gun with a light or laser on the Standard Enigma. You’ll end up with serious safety and performance problems, as well as voiding your Enigma warranty.
What do I need for assembly?
If you have an adjustable retention holster, you will need the Retention Kit. The kit allows you to convert your adjustable retention holster to be able to use it safely with the Enigma.
Your Enigma faceplate is flexible, and it's meant to bend around the holster's wing. But if you experience too much bend, you can try our angled eMod inserts. They are shaped to help the Enigma faceplate lie more flat.
Not sure what you need? Feel free to contact us for help, or chat with Phil.
Are the instructions the same for V2 Enigma?
Yes. The faceplates are identical in shape, so all assembly instructions are the same, and all parts are interchangeable. The concealment and performance are the same. You may follow these instructions whether you have the original or the V2 faceplate.
The only difference is the leg leash instructions. The V2 comes with two leg leash options, and they are easier to adjust. Please watch the V2 adjustment video to learn how to use the new leg leash.
How do I know which version Enigma I have?
First off, it doesn't much matter. The faceplate shapes are identical, all parts are interchangeable, and all assembly and usage instructions are the same. The only difference is the leg leash instructions.
If you purchased from PHLster after March 3rd, 2025, you have a V2 Enigma. The V2 Enigma will have a black plastic faceplate with texturing, and a raised Enigma logo. It will come with two leg leash options. Use this video to adjust your V2 leg leash.
A V1 Enigma will have a Tegris faceplate, which looks similar to gray or black carbon fiber. It comes with a single point leg leash only, and the buckle adjusts differently. Use this video to adjust your V1 leg leash.
Upgrade Kit instructions
The Enigma Upgrade Kit was sold for a limited time only, ending April 3rd. It is not a complete Enigma, and it requires assembly.
To assemble the upgrade kit on your Standard Enigma OS, you will remove your existing faceplate, and add the new faceplate. Use the instructions below to double check your work and make sure you have the fasteners correct. You'll also use the instructions below to swap over your belt or sport belt, and add the new leg leash.
For more detailed Upgrade Kit assembly instructions, please go here.
Learn how to assemble, adjust, and wear your PHLster Enigma OS – Standard. “OS” stands for open source, and it means this model of Enigma works for many different holsters, as long as they meet the compatibility requirements.
Below you’ll find an overview of all the possible adjustments, plus tips and tricks for concealment and comfort. Take some time to experiment with the different holster adjustments until you find the best setup for your unique body shape.
WARNING: Do not attempt to make a holster work if it doesn’t meet the exact requirements in the Fit Guide. Do not use a gun with a light or laser on the Standard Enigma. You’ll end up with serious safety and performance problems, as well as voiding your Enigma warranty.
To begin, choose what type of holster you have:
Fixed retention holsters do not have rubber washers. The retention is set by the manufacturer, and is not adjustable.
Adjustable retention holsters have squishy rubber washers between the two halves of the holster.
Please note: There are DIFFERENT assembly instructions for the Enigma OS – Standard, depending on what type of holster you have. Make sure to choose the correct instructions before you begin, or it won’t work. To double check that your holster is Enigma compatible, check the requirements in the fit guide.
How To Assemble Your Enigma OS - Standard with a Fixed Retention Holster
WARNING: Do not attempt to make a holster work if it doesn’t meet the exact requirements in the Fit Guide. Do not use a gun with a light or laser on the Standard Enigma. You’ll end up with serious safety and performance problems, as well as voiding your Enigma warranty.
Written instructions – left handed.
Written instructions – right handed.
Video Instructions - Fixed Retention
For right or left handed users.
Stress Free Enigma OS Assembly Instructions
A relaxed paced, beginner-friendly walk through of the entire Standard PHLster Enigma assembly process with a fixed retention holster. The techniques in this video can be adapted for right or left hand use. Left handed users may want to use the written instructions for help with orienting the Enigma faceplate and holster shell.
Note that this video is for fixed retention holsters only. If you have an adjustable retention holster, this method will not work. See the adjustable retention assembly video instead.
How To Use the Fidlock Magnetic Buckle
Here's the correct way to open and close your Fidlock magnetic buckle. Make sure you don't force the latch open!
Adjustment Holes - How To Use Them
Once you’ve assembled your Enigma, here’s an overview of what to do next. You can find more information on any of these topics by using the navigation menu below.
Leg Leash - Two Ways To Wear
How to properly wear and adjust the PHLster Enigma leg leash. Learn the two different routing methods, and how to adjust the leg leash for best results on your body. Whether you’re just starting out with the Enigma, or whether you’re having issues that need troubleshooting, reviewing this video is the best place to start.
For more leg leash instructions and tips, see the leg leash section below.
How To Assemble Your PHLster Enigma OS (Standard) with an Adjustable Retention Holster
WARNING: Do not attempt to make a holster work if it doesn’t meet the exact requirements in the Fit Guide. Do not use a gun with a light or laser on the Standard Enigma. You’ll end up with serious safety and performance problems, as well as voiding your Enigma warranty.
If you have an adjustable retention holster, we highly recommend using the fixed retention kit when assembling your Enigma. Learn how it works and why we recommend it.
How to test holster retention:
Learn how to (and how NOT to) test your holster’s retention by reading this blog article and watching the included videos. DO NOT SHAKE YOUR HOLSTER UPSIDE DOWN to test retention. That doesn't give you an accurate measure of holster retention.
Adjustable Retention Video Instructions:
For right or left handed users.
Adjustable Retention Assembly Instructions
A relaxed paced, beginner-friendly walk through of the entire Standard PHLster Enigma assembly process with an adjustable retention holster. The techniques in this video can be adapted for right or left hand use. Left handed users may want to use the written instructions for help with orienting the Enigma faceplate and holster shell.
Note that this video is for fixed retention holsters only. If you have an adjustable retention holster, this method will not work. See the adjustable retention assembly video instead.
How To Use the Fidlock Magnetic Buckle
Here's the correct way to open and close your Fidlock magnetic buckle. Make sure you don't force the latch open!
Adjustment Holes - How To Use Them
Once you’ve assembled your Enigma, here’s an overview of what to do next. You can find more information on any of these topics by using the navigation menu below.
Leg Leash - Two Ways To Wear
How to properly wear and adjust the PHLster Enigma leg leash. Learn the two different routing methods, and how to adjust the leg leash for best results on your body. Whether you’re just starting out with the Enigma, or whether you’re having issues that need troubleshooting, reviewing this video is the best place to start.
For more leg leash instructions and tips, see the leg leash section below.
How To Use the V2 Enigma Leg Leash
The V2 Enigma leg leash holds the holster down when you draw. Proper adjustment is critical to getting a comfortable and secure fit. Watch the first video below to learn how to adjust your leg leash correctly — for the V2 leg leash, we recommend trying both leg leash options to see which one is better for you.
Having trouble?
For V2 Enigma leg leash tips, tricks, troubleshooting, and safe leg leash alternatives, check out this blog post.
How to properly wear and adjust the V2 PHLster Enigma leg leash. Learn the two different leg leash options, and how to adjust the leg leash for best results on your body. Whether you’re just starting out with the Enigma, or whether you’re having issues that need troubleshooting, reviewing this video is the best place to start.
If You Have the V1 Enigma Leg Leash
If you purchased your Enigma prior to March 3rd, 2025, you have the V1 leg leash. You can upgrade here. Watch the first video below to learn how to adjust your leg leash correctly — be sure to try both leg leash routing methods to see which one is better for you. The other videos cover how to shorten the leg leash (for smaller users), how to change your leg leash to a different material, and how to troubleshoot if your leg leash loosens throughout the day.
Having trouble?
For Enigma leg leash tips, tricks, troubleshooting, and safe leg leash alternatives, check out this blog post. It's a deep dive, with everything you need to know about the new leg leash, both single point and two point!
Full V1 Leg Leash Instruction Video
How to properly wear and adjust the V1 PHLster Enigma leg leash. Learn the two different routing methods, and how to adjust the leg leash for best results on your body. Whether you’re just starting out with the Enigma, or whether you’re having issues that need troubleshooting, reviewing this video is the best place to start.
More V1 Instruction Videos
This short video clip shows how to use the alternate routing method for the Enigma leg leash. This method is useful for people who find their leg leash slips down throughout the day, or those whose body type makes the leg leash uncomfortable.
Smaller users – here’s how to shorten and trim your Enigma Express leg leash. Just be sure not to trim your leg leash before trying the different routing methods, and make sure you have enough material for any ride height at which you choose to carry your gun.
If your leg leash slips or loosens throughout the day, try this non-slip buckle routing method.
This video shows how to completely rethread and reroute your Enigma leg leash. If you don’t find the leg leash material to your liking, you can easily switch your Enigma leg leash out with a material of your choosing. A common choice is 550 paracord with the core removed. When using different leg leash materials, be sure to review the Non-Slip Routing video to make sure your leg leash stays secure.
Adjustments and Configurations
The Enigma OS (Standard) can be adjusted several different ways to fit your body. You can learn more about the possible holster adjustments below.
Belt attachment holes - adjust grip tuck and rotation
The Enigma has six belt attachment holes on either side of the faceplate. These control grip tuck, grip rotation, and optic printing. Please watch the Standard Enigma Poke and Check video below for more information.
Change Modwing or eMod inserts - adjusts grip rotation
To make gross adjustments to the amount of grip rotation you get, you can change your Modwing inserts (15, 16). A standard Modwing will come with a short (15) and tall (16) insert.
The tall insert will give you the most grip rotation (more than is necessary for most guns). The short insert will give you moderate grip rotation. Using the wing alone, with no insert, will give you the least amount of grip rotation.
If in doubt, start with the short Modwing insert.
eMod inserts are optional accessory inserts that you can add to your Modwing to replace the standard Modwing inserts. The eMod inserts help the Enigma faceplate lay flatter, and improve grip rotation and grip tuck.
Here’s an instruction video for how to change and adjust eMod inserts.
Check spacer height - helps with slide printing
To get the best concealment, your holster shell should be flush with the Enigma faceplate. If your spacers are too tall, the faceplate will stand away from the holster, and you won’t get the best possible concealment.
Improper spacer height - spacers too tall.
Proper spacer height - faceplate flush with front of holster.
Shorten and trim the leg leash
Smaller users may need to shorten the leg leash drop. You can do this by fastening the leg leash through one of the larger faceplate holes rather than through the leg leash slot. See the video below for more detailed information.
Holster retention - gun too tight or loose in holster
Fixed retention holsters:
If you’re having problems with your gun being too tight or too loose in the holster, first double check that you have the correct holster shell for your gun model. Aftermarket modifications to the gun may cause problems with retention.
Next, read this article on how holster retention works, and test your retention as shown. Do not test holster retention by shaking the holster upside down – that is not the correct way to test.
If these steps don’t resolve your issue, you can contact the manufacturer of your holster shell for help. Before you do so, please make sure you’re testing your holster retention correctly.
Adjustable retention holsters
First, make sure you are testing your holster retention correctly. Do not test holster retention by shaking the holster upside down – that is not the correct way to test.
If you are testing your holster retention correctly and your retention is still too tight or too loose, follow the adjustable retention assembly instructions to add or remove shims from your fixed retention kit.
Comfort mods and tips
The Enigma is a skeleton. You start with the basic bone structure, and then you flesh it out to suit your body shape and your individual comfort needs. Since everyone is different, it takes some experimentation and customization to get the level of comfort and concealment you want.
The Enigma is designed to be a hardcore piece of fighting equipment that can survive extreme scenarios. In order to make it hold up to those demands, we chose materials for strength and rugged durability. The Enigma is designed to be ergonomic and adjustable – but it’s NOT soft.
Skin comfort is an important factor in overall concealed carry comfort, and that’s why we made the Enigma as open to customization as possible. The easiest way to achieve skin comfort is just to wear an undershirt, camisole, underwear, or a bandeau under your Enigma. However, if you prefer to wear your Enigma directly against the skin with no undergarments, there are a variety of comfort solutions available, from aftermarket covers to sport belts to creative DIY solutions. You can choose whatever mods you need to get to your desired level of skin comfort. Like everything Enigma, expect it to take some experimentation.
As always, knowledge comes first before gear. Learn what makes holsters comfortable in this video.
Wedges - improve comfort and concealment
You can add a wedge to your holster to improve both comfort and concealment. Learn more about wedges.
DIY tutorial on how to make your own wedge.
User group and community support
We welcome you to join the PHLster Concealment Workshop community on Facebook. It’s a large and active community with people from all walks of life. See how other people are wearing their Enigmas, and get inspiration for mods and adjustments. You can see the Enigma in action on people with different body shapes, with different wardrobes.
Sport Belt
The optional Sport Belt accessory installs in place of the regular nylon belt that comes with the Enigma. The Sport Belt improves comfort and provides additional support with an elastic back panel.
The sport belt installs on the Enigma faceplate using the same hardware as the original belt. See the video for more detailed instructions. You WILL use the optional belt end piece included in your Sport Belt package.
Reduced Size Buckle
If the Fidlock magnetic buckle bothers you, or if you just need extra space on your belt, try the Reduced Size Buckle.
How to Install the Reduced Size Buckle
You can find written instructions for installing the Reduced Size Buckle here. Or watch the instruction video below.
Modular Wedge Kit
Watch the instruction video to learn how to use the PHLster Modular Wedge Kit.
We also recommend watching the Poke and Check video and the Concealed Carry Comfort video, found here.
eMod Inserts
If you’d like to change the amount of grip rotation you get, changing your Modwing inserts can help.
eMod inserts are optional inserts that you can add to your Modwing to replace the standard Modwing inserts. The eMod inserts help the Enigma faceplate lay flatter, and improve grip rotation and grip tuck.
See the video below for full assembly instructions.
Fixed Retention Kit
This hard spacer kit replaces the soft rubber washers found in adjustable retention holsters.
- Prevents rotation – How it works.
- Allows for tight, secure lockup between holster shell and Enigma faceplate
- Use with adjustable retention holsters only – not needed with PHLster holsters.
For full assembly instructions, please see the Adjustable Retention section.
How To Get Good Concealment - A Step-By-Step Guide
Our Concealment Mechanics graphics and videos will walk you through the steps to getting good concealment with your Enigma. Most people don’t get perfect concealment right away – it takes some work to dial things in for your unique body shape. You’ll need to experiment with your gun placement, belt tightness, Enigma adjustments, and wedge placement to get your best possible concealment.
This video series will walk you through how to find your concealment sweet spot, how to use the Poke and Check method to determine if you need to make adjustments to your Enigma, and how to decide whether you need to add a wedge.
Once you get past the basics, you can also learn more about the deeper technical and psychological factors that make for good concealment. There’s a lot of information, but you can go at your own pace.
Concealed Carry Comfort
Comfortable concealed carry starts with knowledge rather than gear. Watch this video to identify any comfort issues you might be having, and learn the basic skills for getting comfortable. After watching, you’ll be much better equipped to find solutions that work for your chosen holster, carry position, and body type.
Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting
How to use the Fidlock magnetic buckle
With correct technique, the magnetic buckle on the Enigma is very easy to operate. Do not attempt to force the buckle open by pulling straight out. Instead, pull forward on the buckle tab. Watch the video to see how.
If the buckle lands over your hip bone and causes a pressure point, see the adjustments section to learn how to move and adjust it. You can also try the Reduced Size Slider Buckle.
Safety, care, and maintenance
Leg leash questions and tips
- All V2 leg leash tips and tricks
- Keepers fell off?
- Leg leash fraying?
- Are there alternatives to the leg leash?
- Can I take the leg leash off?
- I don’t like the leg leash material. Can I change it?
- What if the leg leash is too long. Can I trim it?
What if the leg leash prints in leggings?
As a general rule, if your leggings are tight enough to see panty lines, they’re tight enough that your leg leash may show. Adjusting it so it’s in the crease of your buttock will help minimize the visual impact. You can also try the Two Point leg leash, or the alternative leg leash routing method from the instruction video in the leg leash section above. If you prefer an aftermarket solution, we recommend the Bumster from Levo Designs.
Screws hard to tighten?
The holster screws on the Enigma Express are hard to tighten or loosen. That’s on purpose! Your Enigma Express comes with pre-patched Nylock screws — that means the screws have thread locker pre-applied, and you don’t need to add any additional thread locking compounds such as Loctite or Vibratite. HOWEVER, the Nylock does make the screws harder to loosen or tighten.
The video below shows some helpful techniques for loosening or tightening your Enigma screws.
Holster retention - gun too tight or loose in the holster
Fixed retention holsters:
If you’re having problems with your gun being too tight or too loose in the holster, first double check that you have the correct holster shell for your gun model. Aftermarket modifications to the gun may cause problems with retention.
Next, read this article on how holster retention works, and test your retention as shown. Do not test holster retention by shaking the holster upside down – that is not the correct way to test.
If these steps don’t resolve your issue, you can contact the manufacturer of your holster shell for help. Before you do so, please make sure you’re testing your holster retention correctly.
Adjustable retention holsters
First, make sure you are testing your holster retention correctly. Do not test holster retention by shaking the holster upside down – that is not the correct way to test.
If you are testing your holster retention correctly and your retention is still too tight or too loose, follow the adjustable retention assembly instructions to add or remove shims from your fixed retention kit.
Concealment tips for all body types
• 3 Key principles of concealment
• Finding your concealment sweet spot – Remember that the concealment principles are universal, and all bodies are unique. If your exact body type isn’t shown in the video, you can still use the concealment principles to find your own sweet spot.
• The “Keel Principle,” and how longer holsters can often be more comfortable and concealable
• Appendix carry tips for larger folks – abdominal fat distribution and appendix carry
Comfort tips
• Comfortable Concealed Carry Explained – Comfortable concealed carry starts with knowledge rather than gear. Watch this video to identify any comfort issues you might be having, and learn the basic skills for getting comfortable. After watching, you’ll be much better equipped to find solutions that work for your chosen holster, carry position, and body type.
Enigma comfort tips:
The Enigma is a skeleton. You start with the basic bone structure, and then you flesh it out to suit your body shape and your individual comfort needs. Since everyone is different, it takes some experimentation and customization to get the level of comfort and concealment you want.
The Enigma is designed to be a hardcore piece of fighting equipment that can survive extreme scenarios. In order to make it hold up to those demands, we chose materials for strength and rugged durability. The Enigma is designed to be ergonomic and adjustable – but it’s NOT soft.
Skin comfort is an important factor in overall concealed carry comfort, and that’s why we made the Enigma as open to customization as possible. The easiest way to achieve skin comfort is just to wear an undershirt, camisole, underwear, or a bandeau under your Enigma. However, if you prefer to wear your Enigma directly against the skin with no undergarments, there are a variety of comfort solutions available, from aftermarket covers to sport belts to creative DIY solutions. You can choose whatever mods you need to get to your desired level of skin comfort. Like everything Enigma, expect it to take some experimentation.
• If the Enigma’s magnetic buckle sits over your hip bone and causes a pressure point, try switching to the reduced size buckle instead.
User group and community support
We welcome you to join the PHLster Concealment Workshop group on Facebook. It’s a large and active community with people from all walks of life. See how other people are wearing their Enigmas, and get inspiration for mods and adjustments. You can see the Enigma in action on people with different body shapes, with different wardrobes.