There are some important safety considerations when using your PHLster Enigma, Light Bearing Enigma, or Enigma Express. Please read this section thoroughly and contact us if you have any questions.
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Do not modify, drill, sand, or cut your Enigma faceplate in any way. Modification voids your warranty, weakens the materials, and can compromise the structure and safety of your Enigma.
Use only the correct holster type for your Enigma. Read the standard enigma fit guide or light bearing enigma instruction booklet, and make sure your holster meets all the requirements. If you have any questions, contact us and we'd be happy to help you determine if your holster is compatible.
Do not use light bearing holsters with the standard Enigma.
Do not use sidecar holsters with any kind of Enigma.
Do not modify your holster shell to try to make it fit the Enigma.
Make sure to follow the assembly instructions EXACTLY. Correct assembly is important. Check your work for errors or missed steps. Check the instructions page and the blog for tips and tricks. Contact us if you have additional questions that are not answered on the blog.
Pay close attention to safe gun handling and safe draw and reholstering practices. We highly recommend working with an instructor or taking a class to learn safe habits.
Be especially careful when holstering your gun. You MUST be able to holster without sweeping any part of your body with the muzzle.
Be mindful of clothing when holstering, especially drawstrings. Ensure the mouth of your holster is clear, and watch the gun carefully throughout the entire holstering process to make sure it remains clear.
Go slowly, and take your time reholstering.
Regularly inspect your Enigma and holster shell. Make sure all your holster hardware and belt attachment hardware are tight. If you notice any worn or damaged parts, discontinue use and replace those parts immediately. Protect your Enigma from high heat, abrasion, folding or creasing. Follow the care and maintenance instructions.