Enigma Express: How do I use it?
- Nov 4th 2024
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The Enigma Express is fully assembled and easy to use. Watch this quick start guide to get started!

Next you will want to determine what ride height and gun placement is best for you. You can do this by using the Poke and Check method.
The goal with placement is to find the balance between comfort, mobility, and concealment. Everyone’s body has natural peaks and valleys. Try to avoid putting your gun on a peak, and instead focus on putting it in a valley. Check out these resources for more information on finding YOUR concealment sweet spot:
Once you find your concealment “sweet spot” you may still have some small comfort and concealment tweaks to make, don’t worry, this is normal! If you need more or less grip tuck switch out your concealment wing inserts.
Click here for help with swapping EMOD inserts.
If you need more slide tuck consider adding a wedge, to the muzzle end of your holster, between your body and the holster, as shown in the video above.
Check out this guide for wedge use to learn more.
For more help with concealment mechanics and troubleshooting your concealment process check out our “Basics of Concealment Mechanics” graphics and videos.