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  • Graphic of "Phil," the PHLster AI chatbot with a question mark in the foreground. Photo of the friendly PHLster support team.
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    Need Help?
    Here's how to get help: Ask Phil! Instant answers, 24/7 He's trained on our entire PHLster library, so he can answer questions about product compatibility, holster models, or general concealment questions. (He's not hooked up to our customer databases,...
  • Enigma Express holster. Carry with no belt. Enigma Express beltless holster - carry on the job or on the farm.
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    Enigma Express
    The chassis system consists of a strong, thin, flexible faceplate that holds the holster against your body. Ready-to-Wear: The Enigma Express comes pre-assembled with either our Skeleton holster or our City Special revolver holster and is ready to use...
  • Photo of PHLster Enigma OS Standard, shown with M&P 2.0 Compact gun, grayed out. Photo of PHLster Enigma OS Standard, shown with M&P 2.0 Compact gun.
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    Enigma OS - Standard
    The Enigma is the ultimate system for carrying a gun under your clothes without a belt. This model, the Standard Engima OS, comes with everything except the holster. We recommend finding an Enigma compatibile holster before ordering!   Once you have...
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  • Photo of fully assembled Light Bearing enigma with a full size gun. Photo of fully assembled Light Bearing enigma with a subcompact gun and small light.
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    Enigma OS - Light-Bearing
    The Light Bearing Enigma is for guns with lights or lasers mounted in front of the trigger guard. It does not come assembled, and does not include a holster shell. Before buying the Light Bearing Enigma, make sure you have a compatible holster...
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  • Photo of Ascent mag pouch with belt clip installed. Photo of Ascent mag pouch on the PHLster Enigma belt.
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    Ascent Magazine Pouch - Pistol
    By using an ultra high-strength flexible polymer textile, the Ascent pistol pouches provide enough structure to maintain their shape, while being as slim, comfortable, and versatile as an elastic pouch. Pouch retention and magazine ride height are...
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  • Computer rendering of modular holster wedges. Photo of holster wedges installed on a holster.
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    Wedges - Modular Holster Wedge Kit
    Fine tuning holster fit to the body is the most time consuming and individual aspect of concealed carry. Huge gains in comfort and concealment can be accomplished by adding a wedge to the holster, but getting that wedge just right is often a big project,...
  • This sun shirt is tastefully branded with the PHLster logo PHLster sun shirt size chart.
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    PHLster Sun Shirt
    Crafted for Outdoor EnthusiastsMade from 100% polyester this shirt is perfect whether you lead an active lifestyle or are enjoying outside leisure on a hot day. The sleek design and subtle PHLster logo make it a stylish choice for any outdoor occasion...
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